The Future of Enterprise-Class ABM

Today’s ABM platform is the Swiss-Army knife of marketing software: able to do almost anything, but nothing particularly well.

As enterprises rush to accelerate the delivery of effective account-based marketing (ABM) programs, the platforms which support it have become a critical bottleneck. Enterprise organizations have a sophisticated go-to-market approach, with specialized teams focused on products or geographies and subject matter experts who compose their ABM program development. This sophisticated go-to-market approach creates a paramount need for ABM to be actionable across all teams, driving the need for a multitenant, collaborative platform.

Exploring the future of enterprise-class ABM, this brief will address:

  • The features of a multitenant, collaborative ABM platform;
  • Making intent data work within an enterprise operating environment;
  • How to gain value from fast-flowing and rich enterprise data;
  • The appropriate frameworks necessary for self-learning and connected recognition and targeting.


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