The 2021 State of Physical Access Control Report from HID Global

Each year, HID conducts research into the access control industry and gathers input from hundreds of security experts just like you.

Get your copy of the latest report to learn more about the trends, insights and best practices peers are utilizing to create more secure environments today and in the future. This includes:

  • The important trends in access control technology use, including upgrade planning and the status of new technology adoption
  • The challenges and obstacles presented by the stress of the current environment and the opportunities uncovered as access control continues to play a pivotal role in operations
  • The solutions most identified and needed to create future-ready campuses, corporate buildings and facilities, including touchless access control and real-time location services for building management
  • The best practices that enable a better security posture and justify the benefits of upgrading to more secure solutions

Download your copy of the full report now.

HID Global

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