Solving for Operational Efficiency with Google Cloud

As organisations consider how to weather the road ahead, many are finding they need to make tough decisions about how to allocate resources. For most, it’s not simply about spending less, it’s about knowing which projects to prioritise, even if with limited funding, in order to maintain organisation continuity and ensure longevity.

However, Solving for Operational Efficiency is easier said than done. Evaluating which projects will generate the right impact and cost efficiencies presents a specific set of challenges, such as:

  • Unpredictable operating conditions
  • New budget constraints 
  • Limited visibility and control

This paper provides an overview of the key areas where our customers are driving value from their investments, creating operational efficiencies, and the many ways Google Cloud can support you in this journey.

Read on for Google Cloud operational efficiency best practices, which include:

  • Adopting Anthos for agility and IT cost reduction
  • Avoiding costly hardware refreshes and reducing on-premises infrastructure costs by migrating VMs to the cloud
  • Modernising data warehouses for scalability and seamless access to advanced analytics


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