In the Event of a Workplace Fatality - Reacting in the Wake of a Catastrophe

The value of a human life is truly unfathomable and must be protected at all costs. Notwithstanding there are financial repercussions to consider if a tragic incident results in a fatality on your premises. This is especially applicable if any negligence has been established as a causation to the incident. Sanctions arising from health and safety violations, lapsed or absence of documentation or any general negligence on the part of employees or management can total to a cost of US$ 129,336.

However, the financial ramification is just a small portion of the negative effects that may follow. Workplace incidents have the potential to cause severe dents to an organization’s reputation.

In addition, organizations may experience decreased employee morale, productivity and loyalty. It’s crucial for organizations and subcontractors to keep themselves aware and updated on the appropriate process, procedures and guidelines in the case of any workplace incident.

Download this white paper to learn:

  • The immediate steps during workplace incident
  • How to assist the deceased employee’s family
  • How to deal with your workplace environment post-accident
  • How to deal with OSHA


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