Asia’s AI agenda: The ecosystem

To comprehensively examine the development of AI in Asia Pacific, MIT Technology Review Insights has designed Asia’s AI agenda, a research program looking at four distinct angles.
Asia’s AI agenda: The ecosystem is the first paper of this series and it zooms into the ambitious plans of Asian governments for leadership in the AI era, and the success they are having in building fertile ecosystems that will attract much-needed AI talent and capital, as well as allowing companies to apply AI quickly and effectively across their organisations.

The key findings are:
• With much to gain, most countries have a national plan for accelerating AI adoption.
• Asia has credible potential for becoming a front runner in the AI era.
• China is rapidly applying AI, but basic research lags.
• Building digital economies and digital societies is a key to competitiveness.
• The big issues include securing foundational assets and managing AI’s evolution.

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