Using Data Intelligently: Unification and Pipelining Patterns in the Digital Economy

Data is the lifeblood of digital transformation. While there have been recent discussions around digital transformation being a thing of the past, that is simply not true. Not when, according to this IDC Infobrief, sponsored by TIBCO, 46 percent of organizations are “digitally distraught.” Even the other 54 percent considered “digitally determined” have not completed their digital transformation journey. Every company today needs to prioritize data management as a crucial part of their digital transformation strategies.

In the research, IDC includes some predictions on current trends for data management:

  • 33 ZB of new data was created in 2018, and by 2023, IDC estimates 103 ZB of new data will be created. (1 ZB = 1 trillion Gigabytes)
  • 14 percent of the 33 ZB was original data; 86 percent of the new data volume was generated by replication and distribution, resulting in significant data liabilities

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