Make Next Year the Best Tax Season Yet

No matter what new changes may come in 2019, Thomson Reuters is here to help make the upcoming tax season your best yet, with this comprehensive report that examines five important steps you can take along with actionable insights and key takeaways.

Congress enacted the most significant tax reform in 30 years to simplify US tax codes with the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) in December 2017. As a result of TCJA, taxpayers are now relying on tax professionals more than ever to interpret and explain the new changes. By planning ahead, you can help your clients with accurate tax compliance no matter what comes next.

One key way to stay ahead of tax code changes is ensuring that you have access to research tools that offer relevant and current information quickly. Whether firms struggle with a lack of time, staff, or resources, access to complete and reliable answers is imperative to a smooth tax season next year, and beyond.

Thomson Reuters

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