Welcome to the FitBit era for metals and mining

OSIsoft’s industrial software can help miners reduce workplace injuries

Mining and metals companies could achieve a step change in their safety records while also significantly improving productivity by incorporating inexpensive sensors and analytics tools into their existing systems, an executive at privately-held US software company OSIsoft says.

Wearables are starting to change the way people live by providing them with accurate, up-to-date information about their health.

The same will be true in mining. 

With mining and milling operations across the world subject to increasingly stringent health and safety laws, and often holding a precarious social license to operate, the cost of not knowing or acting quickly to limit lost-time injuries and in worst-case scenarios death are significant, says Montreal-based Martin Provencher, industry principal for mining, metals and materials at OSIsoft. OSIsoft’s PI System already provides real-time operational data for many of the world’s largest mining companies, and also brings in a significant portion of the San Leandro, California based company’s revenue from oil and gas companies and utilities.


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