SmartRail World

An effective asset management programme when executed well can upgrade performance, improve safety and offer greater value for investments. It can also encourage new ways of thinking and operator business models. A full and accurate knowledge of all infrastructure assets, where they are located and what condition they are in, is now essential to effectively manage a modern rail or metro network.

Whilst the benefits are clear, achieving them is not always straightforward. Obsolescence, outdated operating systems, database issues, security challenges and the skills gap are just some of the challenges that can limit efforts to ensure that asset management is the principle tool in delivering an efficient rail network.

So to further support rail and metro’s further engagement with this approach to working we have spoken to leading experts and practitioners from around the world from both transport agencies and solutions providers to help you improve, develop and maximise the potential of modern asset management solutions.

This digital guide wouldn’t have been possible without its sponsor, OSIsoft, a leading global supplier of application software for operational data management. With over 35 years of experience in creating digital infrastructure, they lead the way in connecting people with the power of data. One of the rail industries most widely-used technologies for digital transformation, OSIsoft’s PI System captures data from sensors, manufacturing equipment and other devices and transforms it into rich, real-time insights to reduce costs, improve overall productivity and/or create new services.

Asset Management

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