4 out of 5 businesses are overpaying on their energy - Discover how this luxury Sydney hotel saved $100000 in energy costs

There are currently many challenges facing Australian business, and the cost of energy bills is high on the list. In fact, 4 out of 5 businesses are overpaying on their energy.*

In addition, many energy retailers offer competitive rates and discounts that only last for a fixed period, such as 24 months. Businesses that fail to do an energy comparison when
their contract expires risk losing discounted rates and an unnecessary rise in their next bill.

After finding business energy comparator Make it Cheaper, the Sydney hotel Radisson Blu was able to save $100,000 in energy costs over three years – funds they could then reinvest elsewhere in their business.

Hotel Manager Mitchell Turner stated, “We were looking at renewing our electricity contract this year where we were facing costs of a 128% increase which wasn’t budgeted.

Make it Cheaper reached out to us and we were able to get a quick, easy two-week turnaround where they went out to market and were able to bring us back a few different
offers where we chose the best one for the business.”

Make it Cheaper not only saves businesses with an initial energy comparison but their innovative program called ‘Do it For You’ (DiFY) allows them to save customers money
time and time again. DiFY works in the background ensuring businesses are always renewing on a competitive energy plan, without having to manually conduct a comparison at every renewal.

The team at Make it Cheaper have shared three key tips on how to keep energy costs down in your business in 2018.


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